Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center
Jacobson Memorial Hospital Foundation
The Jacobson Memorial Hospital Foundation is a nonprofit organization formed to raise funds to help financially support the vital, life-saving services of the Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center. Your gift to the Jacobson Memorial Hospital Foundation is deductible for income tax purposes in accordance with Internal Revenue Service regulations.
You have the opportunity to make a difference! The JMHCC’s work is critical to our communities, and so is your support.
How to Give
Make a cash donation
Jacobson Memorial Hospital Foundation welcomes cash donations anytime. The foundation board determines where to best utilize funds, so cash donations can be coupled with other funds to continually improve JMHCC’s programs and services. Make your gift by check to: JMHF, PO Box 367, Elgin, ND 58533 . 

Reserve a memorial
If you would like to reserve a memorial gift, in memory of a loved one, you can make a cash donation, indicating who it is honoring or memorializing. Make your gift by check to: JMHF, PO Box 367, Elgin, ND 58533.

Planned gifts
Planned gifts may be donated to the Jacobson Memorial Hospital Foundation, such as a bequest in a will. A donor may leave a specific dollar amount or property to the foundation. Visit with your financial advisor about other ways you can give to the foundation and be able to find certain tax advantages. Options include life insurance policies, a charitable gift annuity or a charitable remainder unitrust.
Our Board

Robert Larson, president

Peggy Imhoff

Gail Schatz

Dennis Rivinius
Gifts of Grain and Gifts of Livestock
The JMHF has a Gifts of Grain and a Gifts of Livestock program to allow farmers and ranchers to donate grain or livestock and receive tax advantages. Contact us for details to learn how to take advantage of the programs.
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For more information, email sbrooks@jmhcc.org
Our Mission
Jacobson Memorial Hospital Foundation, in support of Jacobson Memorial Hospital Care Center, is to engage and foster health care philanthropy, and provide funds, support and programs to enhance continuous health care excellence for our region.​